Monday, February 20, 2006

Lazyboy (and Girl)

Finally an evening in the Lazyboys for Ellie and Thomas, rewards for being good while mom and dad painted the house!
Still one advantage is that it was finally cold enough to freeze the pond so we could skate (badly) on it.

Lawrencetown beach in the cold

Every picture is worth a thousand words... not including in the thousand about this are "It's actually about -30 including wind chill", we stayed on the beach long enough to take three or four pictures and then scurried off to the safety of the car again!
Lawrencetown beach - unsurprisingly empty in February.
Mail doesn't come to our door, we collect at this communal hut.

Deerwood Drive

We've been here a month today and we finally walked to the end of the road today! Here's Ellie at the end of the road...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bowen Massage...

So I went for my Bowen Technique massage today - given the time I've been having with Thomas - $70 was worth it just to lie down for an hour in the afternoon. As it turned out, my wrist has already improved a little bit which is nice and I kept falling asleep on the table...

Friday, February 10, 2006


I've done my first bits of electrics here this week, just changing a few light fittings so far, one minor electrocution and a whole lot of pleasure from what I found when I took down the (hideous) old lights. EVERYTHING is standard, no mucking around - all the bits were there to fit to hole in the ceiling. Nothing like every manufacturer having their own design which doesn't fit into anything!

Child Unfriendly

We've had to collect a set of new kitchen appliances since moving in to our new house - the great thing about that is they all have child locks on them! This was never a requirement with Ellie, but Thomas is a different kettle of fish altogether. It's a real pleasure to see the look, and then frown, on his face when his meddling has no effect... That said, he has started to climb on the coffee table to get to the light switches... What next I wonder...

Friday, February 03, 2006


So we moved again... for the last time for ages! The floors are finished, Ellie's room is outrageously pink. Ten days ago the upstairs looked like this...
Now it looks like this...
Ellie's room has gone from this...To this - now with disney princess borders and furniture! Watching: Chris Rock on stage, he really isn't as good as Richard Prior or even Eddie Murphy for that matter...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Groundhog Day, Groundhog Day, Groundhog Day...

Wow, there really is a Groundhog day! Punxsutawney Phil actually does predict the weather (just like in the film). Well, Phil talks of imposters and impersonators and we have our own, Shubenacadie Sam... he's predicted an early Spring over here so I guess the snow will be on its way soon...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


When we had our cable connected in Beechville I had to call Eastlink 7 times in order to correct my address. This time, we had cable installed last Monday - I finally connected the TV at the weekend to find out that it did not work in the lounge, yet the internet was fine in the bedroom. So I placed a service call and out came an engineer, he scoffed at the fact that the installer did not check the point in the lounge and quickly fixed the problem as the port had not been connected at all... Great. I popped up stairs later to check my email - that connection was now dead. I wasn't especially impressed... Still this time I had a root around in the patch panel myself and worked out enough to be able to fis it myself!


We went to bed in Mineville last night and woke up in Narnia this morning, there is snow EVERYWHERE! Perfect considering we are officially moving house on Friday. We are in the middle of a blizzard that started last night and is still rumbling on eight hours later. I mislaid my camera earlier in the week, but will be get some pics of this as soon as I crawl out of bed.