Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Messed up...

My domain has been messed up for the last ten days or so hence no blog... or email for that matter.
Since getting back Thomas has enjoyed much throwing, kicking and stamping of feet followed by plenty of time for reflection on the naughty step and latterly in the pen, not "state", but "play" - without the benefit of toys.
It's bug season here - black flies have been feasting on Ellie, Thomas and MC, they don't seem so interested in me, maybe I'm not tender enough. The June bugs have arrived early (again), not supposed to get here until June, big stupid things always arrive in May apparently. Still we await the mosquitos. I have a "Mosquito Magnet" down by the pond in the hope of catching some of them before they can lay their eggs. Then of course there are the frogs! Lots and lots of frogs in the pond. I go to visit them everyday... Sad?
We also have rabbits, ducks, bluejays and grey jays around most of the time, kinda nicer than starlings and sparrows, there were even a couple of visiting eagles at the weekend. There are some other things out in the woods somewhere, I hear them, but haven't seen them yet!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Long way to go...

Booked tickets to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers tonight, not quite like going to see them in London though - we have a 1000km drive to Quebec! Are we mad? Almost certainly, especially as we bought Ellie a ticket too - she'll be needing earmuffs I think!

Some Disney Pics...

Here are a few Disney pics (we came back with well over 1000!), more tomorrow maybe... It's TV finale fortnight over here so there are plenty of cliffhangers to enjoy (although Desperate Housewives was pretty disappointing this evening - I expect better from Jack Bauer tomorrow!) - every night in fact so sorting out the pics has been pushed back a bit - oh and the garden we returned to decided to grow into a jungle as soon as we went away...

The mouse himself

Thomas with his new hero - maybe he likes orange, he certainly loved Tigger...

James P. Sullivan


Chip or maybe Dale?

Chicken Little... and Abby Malard
Birthday girl meets her favourite..
Buzz with one of his greatest fans... And Thomas...

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Eight weeks ago, 5th May seems an eternity away, the date of our departure for Florida and Disneyworld... Now, 77030 km later we are back in Halifax! I'm too tired to think straight to night, but will get some pics online as soon as I can! Suffice it to say it's an AWESOME place as the locals would say!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The map...

Here's our route for tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday (!) - it should be fun, as should seeing the temperature increase from about 14 degrees to 30 as we drive! Ellie's new friend here, Cole, is going to Disneyland at the end of the month - it's funny to hear them talk...
Ellie: I'm going to Florida tomorrow.
Cole: I'm going to Disneyland.
Ellie: I'm going to Florida.
Cole: Disneyland is in Florida.
Ellie: ...silence... Well, I'm going to Florida...
Cole: But Disneyland is in Florida...

and so it goes on, fortunately so far she hasn't twigged I don't think!

On you marks...

Blogging has been a bit stilted recently due to the preparations for our visit to Disneyworld! Still we are almost ready now and maybe I can do another Indiana Jones map if I have time. We're almost packed, we have over two hundred snack (for the journey and the days at disney), more than one hundred drinks, a new two seater buggy for Ellie and Thomas to be chaufeured around the parks in... There is also 7 gigabytes of music and comedy and fifteen DVDs to help the journey go as smoothly as possible! Hopefully the villa will have internet - if so, I will be sticking pictures on whenever I get a chance...

Monday, May 01, 2006


I was wandering around the pond at the weekend and we have an otter-like thing living in it - it's fantastic although proving rather illusive to photograph. We also have rabbits living in the garden, it's very exciting for the kids especially Thomas. Like have pets we don't have to look after!