Friday, April 21, 2006

Fight, Fight......Fight, Fight, Fight...

Ellie and Thomas had their first "proper" fight today... After four days of simmering tension between them, things finally boiled over this morning.
It was quite an evenly fought contest, Thomas' determination to be nasty and pull hair versus the more defensive strategies of Ellie, still battling her big sisterly instincts to be nice to her brother. Ellie's long hair prove an early disadvantage and weakness as Thomas went for the early victory. However, by using the "I've got longer arms than you" strategy Ellie was able to keep him at bay for quite a while and a brief period of greco roman wrestling style shoulder grappling ensued, Thomas persevered and managed to get a good tug at one point.
Ellie was stirred into action by this and having waited until Thomas was off his guard, employed a new technique - using her extra agility, she was able to run around Thomas and attack from the rear - she managed to get a good two handed grip on his scalp from behind and yanked it. This proved to be the winning move. Thomas broke and ran to me which I took to be a concession of defeat.
So, the score stands at 1-0 and I look forward to the next encounter. To be fair, Thomas had been asking for it all week and was lucky I wasn't his opponent....
Wish I'd have got some pictures!

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