Monday, August 07, 2006

Anyone seen...

"a five year old girl wearing a blue dress with flowers, 43" tall, dark pink framed glasses, blonde hair". (me)
"Eyes?" (policeman)
"Yes, two." (joke, easy now)
"Same as mine really" (me, taking off my glasses)
"Oh, well, blue... err.. hazel... err... I'll put blue" (policeman)
I think I even forgot to tell my parents about this episode...
She wandered off with her little cousin who was being a little difficult and his dad at the mall, then decided she'd come back to MC and I, unfortunately for Ellie we'd moved on... Then ensued ten minutes of absolute fear when MC and I ran like mad around the Halifax mall. I made it to all car parks and round both levels before realising that more or less everyone in the place was looking for her. By the time I started the police description, I'm sure the lovely lady at Centry 21 real estate had already escorted her to the security office. Anyway we got paged quick enough and what seemed like about 10 hours was surely only 10 minutes and everything turned out okay but my heart did beat a bit quicker than I would have liked...

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