Saturday, August 13, 2005

Shrinking to do list...

My to do list is shrinking a bit now...

1. The movers are paid for (painful!), definitely coming on 30th/31st August.
2. The plane tickets, hotel, car are booked, definitely leaving on 5th September.
3. All the important paperwork is in order.
4. We have a canadian bank account.
5. Most of the electrical stuff is sold or spoken for.
6. Most of the rubbish has gone to the dump or the charity shops.

Things are coming together now and with 3 weeks to go, we are possibly a little ahead of the game! Still way too much to do though.

I have an evening off at Komedia (Brighton's live comedy club) today, potentially the first time I'll be saying goodbye to some friends.

READ IT: "Every Dead Thing" and all subsequent John Connolly books. Well written, original and exciting.
DON'T READ IT: "The Da Vinci Code", badly written, transparently designed to be made into a film, ridiculous "super villain". Just one of the worst books I've read in ages.

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