Friday, December 23, 2005


Naturally Thomas had his "the family need a good night of sleep radar" on on Wednesday night and ensured poor sleep for MC and I. So we set off for Quebec 90 minutes late. The journey went well apart from an attempt to eat in Fredericton which saw us in Mike`s for over an hour without getting our food which is pretty shabby for a sandwich really! Still the kids ate for nothing as a result of us getting stroppy and we (MC and I) left without eating.I vowed next to enter that particular chain of restaurants ever again, a vow which lasted less than three and a half hours... as there happened to be one in exactly the right spot to serve our dinner! We ordered the same items from the menu and they duly arrived in less than ten minutes. Shame they were very average to say the least... We got here at about 8pm, Thomas was too tired to sleep, he kept Ellie up so we`re expecting a charming day...I bought some winter trousers this morning, very cosy, I expect to be nice and dry (not to mention warm) next time we go sledging! Finally, it`s very grey here and miserable here. My little bit of canada in Halifax is always blue and sunny, Quebec - grey, reminds me of England. Nevermind, snow is forecast for Christmas day!

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