Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tim Horton's...

Tim's is the most popular coffee outlet in Canada, they are everywhere and I mean, EVERYWHERE! There are 80 within 10 miles of the centre of Halifax. I guess they are a sort of McDonalds for older people. The coffee is average at best, the donuts are fine, but in the Krispy Kreme. Anyway we have become wary of Tim's since arriving - everyone uses it as a place to meet and do business, I've signed paperwork on the new house there. It always appears in directions to find place... The big question, is always which one! When we signed the house papers we were told to go to the "Tim's next to the Sobey's Superstore on highway 7", matter of factly we said, "Ah yes, the one next to Forest Hills Drive". But it wasn't, it was a completely different Tim's next to Sobey's Superstore on highway 7... Funny.

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