Friday, December 16, 2005


It's been a quiet week, a friend, Andy, has been staying here all week doing his realtor course. He came along to see the new house this week when I took a builder over to quote for a new oak floor for the bedrooms...
We took Ellie to see her new school on Tuesday - it was lovely, class sizes between 18 and 24, very friendly staff and students, it looks like she'll be very happy there!
We had to dig ourselves out again on Tuesday morning, this is becoming decidedly boring, especially when the sun hasn't got up yet. Suddenly my "No Fear" gloves and Doc Marten Boots were as useful as a chocolate teapot at keeping out the cold... Once the entrance was clear, it was straight into the car and down to Mark's Work Wear House to buy proper winter boots, gloves, socks etc. I was dangerously close to looking for the long john aisle when Tom and Ellie became so disruptive we had to pay up and leave. I plan a return vist soon to collect some fleece lined jeans that looked particularly appealing!
Apart from that - we met up with some more expats, more nice people joining the English invasion of NS, they asked customs how families are coming here at the moment, about ten families a week was the answer. Not a lot really, but that's about 40 people a week based on two kids, 2000 a year and that's just Nova Scotia, not that popular a destination really.

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