Friday, December 02, 2005

House pictures

So here is our house (outside only - I thought it a bit off to take picture of the inside just yet...)
I tried to do one of those panorama pictures, but cound not stitch the bits together so here are the four consecutive pictures.
Number 1: Our land extends somewhere into that forest along the line of the road, I tried to find the marker, but trampled into a sort of swamp, got very wet feet and gave up. Looks like we own more swampy land than I bargained for...
Number 2: Panning around to the right a little brings us to the "sandpit", about 50 or 60 square feet of sand to be exact. Then onto the shed...Number 3: Shed to house, not much going on here... Number 4: The house itself.
Number 5: The view from the edge of the swamp...

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