Thursday, January 05, 2006

Back to normal!

Back home in Halifax now... thankfully! As we spent the last two weeks in Quebec, Christmas lasted two weeks which really is too much. It's Canada Jim, but not as we know it! Now we're a bit bloated from all the food and goodies we were fed whilst there so it's a bit of a diet now to recover and hopefully we'll be looking all svelt by the summer!
We left Quebec at 1pm on Wednesday and arrived in Halifax at 1am on Thursday, taking into account the time difference an eleven hour schlep across three provinces. Even with a journey so long (1034km) I'd take over Brighton to Birmingham anyday. Drives like this mean we can play our cruise control game (!), how long can you maintain a single speed using cruise control without touching the pedals?
MC took the first stint, Quebec to Cabano - 275km, she posted two good efforts, 72km and then just over 100km before being cut up. From there I drove to Hartland (a mere 207km) without much ooportunity for cruising as it's the only bit which is not freeway. After a refreshing stop at Subway for a Chicken Parmesan, I carried on to Moncton another 310km or thereabouts. I managed an astonishing 200.1km at exactly 120km/h, that's further than Brighton to London and back again. I drove for more than an hour without seeing another car going in my direction - I decided I need a mobile phone before I do that drive again! My bid was endedd when I accidentally veered off the freeway and landed us in the centre of Moncton. MC tooks us the remainder of the way home, but there was scant opportunity for cruising from there on. I must say when I crossed the border back into Nova Scotia, I felt very relieved to be home. Next year Christmas will be in our house!
I'm going to backtrack now and fill in all the photos from Christmas.
Currently watching: War of the Worlds - and what a load of crap it is and a waste of 2 hours of my life. I wanted to rent a Serenity or a Steven Seagal double bill, but no...

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