Sunday, January 01, 2006

The most pointless night... we go again, waiting for the clock to get to midnight - wohoo - not.
I have never understood new year`s eve celebrations, there`s some minutes to go and I`ve drunk the requisite quantity of beer, the usual naff selection of music is being piped out by the radio and we sit, hanging on...
Don`t get me wrong, I`m doing it with the canadian members of my family and I do enjoy their company and it has been a good night, Ellie, Thomas and more little nephews than you can shake a stick at...
But it is just another day... and I am used to going to bed earlier than this... and if I was at home in NS, it would be all over now and I would be in bed!
I fear there will be some sort of toast and I`ll have to choke back one more beer...
The atomic clock tells me I have 11 more minutes so I`ll away.
even though...!

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