Sunday, January 15, 2006

Jack's Back...

Here we go again, another 24-hour commitment to a day in the life of Jack Bauer! Yes, 24 is back again for another ridiculous roller coaster with Kiefer and the gang (a gang whose number will dwindle in this series if the rumour mill is to be believed). President Palmer is "melancholy" by self admission and now dead (you'll need to highlight the text to see this SPOILER). My only question is in which episode will it be necessary for Jack's heart to stop beating in order that he be declared dead. Even though he is "dead" at the moment, I guess by the end of the !!FOUR HOUR!! season opening special Jack will be reinstated at CTU. The (current) president (oily worm that he is) will undoubtedly be in Los Angeles again for the day to coincide with the latest disaster and Chloe will again be wearing he frowning startled look face... So here we go...
Oh - the Moose won 4-3 after several scrapes and not enough fights - should have been easier as the fog devils are hardly world beaters!!

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