Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ice Skating...

Imagine a country where everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, can skate... WELL. Far fetched? Unbelievable? That's Canada. As an immigrant, I started my initiation tonight but alas I forgot my camera... It was not something I was looking forward to particularly but I am absolutely determined that I will learn.
Anyway I arrived at Dartmouth Sportsplex early to get my new skates ($69.99 from Walmart) sharpened (to make them even more dangerous to myself and those around me I would have thought). With some trepidation I forced my poor feet into these most uncomfortable items and hobbled towards the ice. Children as young as four or five were whizzing around to help my feelings of self-consciousness as I slowly eeked my way towards the beginner's coned off area. Remarkly I did not fall over once and it really wasn't as bad I remember from my very brief and not particularly enthuisiastic or determined first (and last) attempt at skating in Quebec City in 1991. I even manage to go quite quickly (or so it felt) on two occasions! After about an hour I did feel rather blistered so I gave up and returned to my shoes - I discovered no blisters, but also no sensation in my feet whatsoever - roll on next week and the next practice session!
Thomas was not overly impressed with the hockey helmet we fitted him with until he got on the ice at which point he became very excited. We gave him a sort of skater's zimmer frame (none my size alas) to hang onto and put some double-bladed strap on skates and off he went, I can see him in the NHL in 20 years!
Ellie spent the hour with her friend Holly, also with a frame and also enjoying herself a lot - I saw her fall over once and edged my way towards her to help - by the time I got there she'd righted herself and shot off again.
All in all a successful evening, Ellie and Thomas are bound to be putting me to shame in a month or two...

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