Sunday, March 26, 2006


Not that I mean to keep harping on about Carpal Tunnel and all that, but whenever I think I'm on top of it, it comes back and whenever I decide to permanently end the blog it goes away... So here we are again after a two week break.
Obviously the highlight of the week is Birmingham 0 (or none or zero) - Liverpool 7 (or a lot or magnificent ..... or number of dwarves or numer of times Villa won the FA Cup or number of wonders of the world...) nuff said.
It's been an exciting week really, hopefully our house in the UK is sold, we finally sorted out our visit to the "Magic Kingdom" which is going to be awesome - 2000 miles in a car, Brighton to Edinburgh and back to Brigthon TWICE or there abouts through two canadian provinces and ten US states in a day and a bit. Brilliant or foolhardy? That will depend on Thomas I suspect! We'll have the DVD player although I may stick my fist through after the twentieth airing of Baby Eintstein.
Lastly and most importantly, Ellie disappeared for five hours today into the street, the woods, the gardens, with the neighbours kids, unsupervised apart from the occasion "Are you still there (somewhere)?" Armed only with bikes, helmets and their wits. It's a very unnatural feeling for a British parent to say to his 4 year old "It's okay take your bike, you'll be fine. Come back when you get hungry." ...and she wasn't even the youngest! There was a three year old in tow for the day and Thomas too at times... Of course that's what children should have the right to do...
Anyhow, life in Nova Scotia proceeds just fine... took these pics last week to show what a tough time we're having...

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