Saturday, March 04, 2006

What's been going on then?

So in the enforced lay off from the blog - what has happened? MC started work, leaving me at home with Ellie and Thomas... We've had our moments, Thomas has been particularly keen to extend as many boundaries as possible, but is making progress in most things, especially climbing, falling, jumping and fire building (since we started lighting the fire, he's taken it upon himself to assemble the firelighters in the ash whenever my back is turned). Still we are making progress, he knows what is right and what he should only do when I'm not looking, being caught in the act means a two minute visit to the naughty step on the stairs to the basement! Against everything I ever said about having toddlers, he forced me to install child locks on the kitchen cupboard doors, the "delux" set I bought took him about four hours to open, now he taunts me with it... Well, next week, I'm installing the Cadillac of child locks which he most certainly won't be able to get around as it requires a removable magnetic handle. The cost? Significant, especially as I have now discovered that I have to buy a drill in order to be able to fit it...
Still he's definitely becoming a lovable rogue, never out of mischief, good job he's got a winning smile and uses it on anyone prepared to look at him...

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