Saturday, November 26, 2005


In a rather rabid attempt to ensure than we all get our requisite 5 portions of fresh fruit and veg a day I have been buying and cooking lots of green stuff since we got back from the UK. Having read up on the whole thing, I have discovered the following:

1. A portion is 80g or just over 3oz
2. Only one glass of unsweetened juice may count towards the total as lots of fibre has been removed.
3. Only on portion of pulses is acceptable due to lack of something or other which escapes me.
4. Potatoes are no good - too starchy.
5. V8 have introduced a 75% less sodium (or salt) version, it's disgusting. Still it's so gloopy (and full of fibre), 250ml counts as two portions of veg!

Most unexpectedly, sprouts are becoming popular and as a result I am introducing Sprout Watch for a while.

So, without further ado:

Sprout Watch #1: I inroduced sprouts last week - one for Ellie, one for Thomas (mashed), one for MC (under duress) and a big plate full for me. Ellie protested, MC got it down quick, Thomas didn't notice... A week later - MC had FOUR tonight, Ellie had one without complaint and reserved an extra TWO for tomorrow night, I'm had a plate full! I'm very pleased! Next - spinach. Whilst not strictly "sprout watch" material, MC also ate fish for the second time in a week, this time in pie format, brain food.

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