Saturday, November 26, 2005

Lumberjack games...

TSN, 4:30pm, Saturday - televised Lumberjack Games, wow...
Axe throwing, men hurling huge double edged axes at a target - this year's champion was highly unconventional, Alex someone or other who throw the axe underarm (would you believe?), obviously this is not the "textbook" method (that would the overhead throw with hands together and thumbs pointing down the shaft) and has the disadvantage of the thrower not being able to line up his axe by sight. He must rely on his "feel" for the throw leading to potential lateral displacement and inacuracy. Anyway it was good to see specialist commentators who have watched some of the competitors develop their skills for many years, unlike the "soccer" commentators who still think there is such a thing as "offence" in the beautiful game.
Women wielding chain saws, the objective here is cut a 16" thick log against a competitor and the clock. The winner managed it in 12.59 seconds, rather humble at interview she explained it was all down to grip and technique and getting a good start.
Other "sports" included (only brief highlights here) the log chopping and the two man log sawing (manual with a big long saw thing), this event was won in less than 20 seconds I think.
Brilliant TV, it's in my planner for next Saturday afternoon.

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