Friday, November 25, 2005


I got up this morning expecting George Best to be dead, but he hung on a while longer. When I told MC he'd died, she said "You're upset, aren't you?" and I was and I am and I'm too young to remember him. I never saw him play (live) but I've seen the videos, genius is the only word.
I came across him once in 1995 or 1996 - in a pub, where else, in Old Isleworth drinking champagne with Rodney Marsh on a saturday lunchtime. I fleetingly wanted to take MC to over and say something like "This is the greatest footballer ever..." or something equally embarassing. I didn't for a couple of reasons - one, we'd have had to have joined a queue (!) and two, I think everyone deserves some privacy. Anyway, what I'll remember about George Best, that day was the way he greeted everyone (mainly fathers with little boys!) who went up to him the same friendly, patient way. How many lunchtimes must he have spent like that?
Anyway, there you go... My two cents worth for the day! I liked him and if I were still in the UK I'd miss him on Saturday afternoon's Sky football coverage. Some think he was a fool, I think he had an illness that finally got the better of him - he fought it until the end and right until the end his message was "Look at me, don't let it happen to you..."

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