Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Harsh winter, but where?

So December is amongst us... I gave the kids their advent calendars today, inaccurate alas, I showed then to Ellie and she selected which one she would have and what would be left for Thomas, or so she thought. What actually happened was that talked up the slightly less colourful, more grown up snow man one so that she chose it, leaving the father Xmas on for Thomas. Score one for daddy I think there...
Is December really among us tho'?
Depends where you live I guess, if you live in arctic England, I suppose it is around a little bit with a dribble or two of snow...
On the other hand, if you live in balmy, sunny old Nova Scotia, Canada... just a mo... Just went out onto the decking to check... it's a very clement 10 degrees C (not F) at 9:09pm, I was able to remove by dressing gown and enjoy the night air in just my boxers (thanks to the dry atmosphere), MC offered to take a picture or two, but I think no reader deserves that... So instead, here we are on the beach for the afternoon...

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