Saturday, November 26, 2005

The whacking game...

Ellie has a new game that she plays with Thomas, "The Whacking Game", it involves hitting each other on the head with various toys, it started with Thomas screaming after getting a "friendly whack on the head" with a plastic batman. After discussing this with Ellie, we agreed no more friendly whacking would take place...
Yesterday, again Thomas was screaming, this time it was because Ellie and Thomas were taking it in turns to hit each other on the head with a wooden Noah... Apparently, he really enjoyed it the first two or three times. This time (in my own way) I talked to Ellie and we agreed in a very civilised manner that the game shouldn't be played again. I then threw Noah on the sofa... Unfortunately I threw Noah with my left hand... Not very accurate, I got Ellie in the middle of the forehead... Good job I throw worse than a girl with my left hand and it barely reached, still caused a look of consternaton though. My time to apologise!

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