Monday, November 28, 2005

CSI: What's happened to George (Eads)

George plays Nick in CSI Vegas, he had a pay dispute about a season and a half ago resulting in some pretty unpleasant story lines like being buried alive and covered in insects in the Tarantino episode... Now he's sporting a slightly odd hair do along with a highly improbable moustache. The insects were small fry compared with his "new look", next stop, The Village People for him I think.
Now I'm off to watch Horatio Caine being outrageously smug in CSI: Miami...
You'd be right to think not a lot is happening at the moment chez nous, hence the odd post content, I really should get on with sorting out my teaching qualification just in case I can't find a viable business idea, but I think it can wait a few more days. Or I could construct the giant shelves I bought about a month ago, maybe tomorrow...
Ooooh, highlight of the day today was walking to the Post Office, no one in Canada walks anywhere if they can help it but I needed air. Unsurprisingly in the two miles I walked I encountered no other paedestrians.

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