Monday, October 03, 2005

Four weeks...

So we've been here four weeks - it seems much longer though! Finally things are getting back to normal now, there are still a few boxes to unpack and the house is still a mess, but we have done well since moving in I think. I have not missed anything from the UK since arriving here (apart from my parents obviously but that goes without saying really). "Embrace change" the Dalai Llama says, he's right.
The Britsh Expats forum has lots of people alternately praising and moaning about Canada. "Oooh, the bacon's rubbish here", "Walmart/Zellers sells terrible clothes" and so on... Well, IMO, the bacon's not rubbish, it's different, Walmart and Zeller do indeed sell some peculiar clothes, fortunately buying them is not compulsory ;-) These shops actually sell EVERYTHING and you can lots of great stuff there. They are not my cup of tea, but I do end up in them all the time at the moment as I know I will save money there... I'm prattling now so I'll stop.
For myself, I am adjusting to the canadian way of life quite well I think. I have said "aboot" (canadian pronunciation for about) twice already without thinking about it, but most importantly of all - I drove from Zellers to Sears At Home - these shops are next to each other...
The weirdest thing to get used here compared to the UK is the overwhelming majority of people follow the laws of the country and I mean all of them, from speed limits to waiting for the white man for crossing the road. I spend a fair amount of time wandering if I'm breaking some odd little by-law (and there are plenty of them) and what will happen when I caught!!

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