Thursday, October 06, 2005


Not much to report today, more shopping, dull stuff though, cutlery, glasses, oh and an expresso cup for my coffee machine... The other day I bought a new oven glove - gripping stuff eh - anyway it's made of rubber (well silicone), it's pretty much indestuctible. So today I bought a new baking tin (also gripping stuff), I have no real use for it, but it is also made of rubber (well silicone) and it can take temperatures up to 300C, 580F, the cooker can't get that hot!
Watching: CSI, Vegas, still the best, we seem to have missed a series during the emigration though and can't work out who is the boss now. As we are on Atlantic time all the US prime time shows are on from 10pm - midnight, there will be late nights I guess.

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