Monday, October 17, 2005

Here is the news: Monday...

This week I thought I'd give an idea what the news is like over here.... So I'll pick a story or two from the front page of the Herald (the biggest paper here) every day. As far as we can see, nothing happens here, but that appears to be no reason to trot out some tired old rubbish about celebrities...
Today's pick (from the front page remember):
Energy Efficiency: the new hot trend, Donald Dodge (an energy efficiency specialist) is insulating his house. "I've done all my air sealing, my basement's finished . . . so the last step is the attic".
Apart from that there some stuff about reducing fuel tax for the winter, dodgy going's on at the treasury and fisheries department.
This is the sort of news I'd rather read, no one has been murdered, Posh and Becks (I would say "or the Canadian equivalent" but there is no Canadian equivalent... Apart from maybe Celine Dion and her husband?) are nowhere to be seen, neither's Rooney/Colleen, Jordan et al. It's rather nice...

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