Sunday, October 09, 2005

It never rains but it pours...

Fortunately this is not a metaphor, it has been raining here for nearly two days without a break but at least the fog has gone now; looks more of the same for tomorrow... What a great Thanksgiving weekend! Good job every day's a holiday for us! We roasted a turkey and had the traditional meal...
We've been in the house three weeks now and it almost sorted now, we finally have time to watch TV after the kids have gone to bed and can you believe they have everything here we watched in the UK? Yes, CSI, Law and Order, Desperate Housewives, Lost etc!!! ;-)
We're trying to catch up with the Soprano's from series one... They are showing episode 59 this week here, we're watching episode 17 as I type so we still some way to go...

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