Sunday, October 23, 2005

MC to Quebec...

Oh dear, we got a call from MC's mom yesterday - her sister was moved into ICU after suffering some sort of post-birth attack during the night. We were very worried and bundled MC and Thomas onto a plane and off to Quebec during the afternoon. Ellie and I remain in Halifax and were to go to England on our own on Thursday, fortunately Kathleen has made a dramatic recovery and could even be discharged shortly. MC should now return on Wednesday to repack and get back on a plane on Thursday! Ellie has moved into my bed - last night I had about 12 inches of the 6-foot superking bed, Ellie took up the next 12 inches with her toys enjoying a very spacious night in the remaining 4 feet of the bed! LOL. She is such a great girl, today she proclaimed that she would still live with me "even when she's an adult, for ever and ever..." If only! We went to see Wallace and Grommit this afternoon - too wet to do anything else! Great diet of popcorn, sweets and coke, I now have to try to get Ellie to eat some proper food!
Oh, on Friday I had a rather discouraging conversation with the Department of Education when I asked for the requirements to convert my teaching qualification - I was told to get my universities to submit my past marks directly - I went to Uni 16 years ago! Still I emailed them and wait to see what sort of thing they can provide. I was also pointed to a 49 page document describing my new requirements - I'm not going to worry about this anymore until I get back from England! I'm sure it's not as complicated as it sounded on the phone!
Speech writing tonight... Honest.

1 comment:

Miss Cellania said...

Universities get requests for transcripts that old all the time, its not a big deal to them.

You have some beautiful children!