Saturday, October 29, 2005

Say Hello/Goodbye

So we're back in Brighton for two days... It's busy, busy, busy, I've seen many people, so many hellos and goodbyes, a rollercoaster of emotion! Happy/sad/happy/sad!
Fortunately so many friends will be at the wedding we are here for, we can see all of them next weekend!
Still it reminds us what we left behind, but we also see why left!
Ellie's having a brilliant time with her best friend Esme, Thomas is getting on excellently with Hugo (apart from an attempted drowning in the bath incident a few minutes ago..). And this afternoon Ellie got to spend some "quality time" with Edward, still her boyfriend despite the miles between them (you wouldn't think they were four would you? Well Edward is five now)! Pictures will follow when I have a little more time.
My attempt to convince all of my friends to emigrate and live in the same street as us proceeds slowly.

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