Sunday, October 16, 2005

Go Mooseheads!

So we've been to the hockey, notice I no longer call it Ice Hockey! When in England we had Hockey and Ice Hockey, in Canada you get Field Hockey and Hockey. Anyway, it's not the NHL, more a sort of college-age league with players ranging from 16 to 20 years old which acts a feeder for the NHL.
As a sporting spectacle it's somewhat different to "soccer" in England, every games starts with the Canadian national anthem, which is observed and taken seriously by everyone. There is no swearing and certainly group, synchronised, musical swearing (the sort I'm sure was non-stop in the Villa-Bham game today) is unheard of. Good natured booing is about as far it goes. There's music, popcorn, hotdogs, fries etc, just a good couple of hours out for the family. The only violence anywhere in sight is between the testostorone laiden teenagers on the ice. We have a couple of good fights today involving all ten outfield players, one of which resulted in 6 players in the sin bin!
First impression is that we have adopted a particularly dirty team who played for the majority of the match with less men than the opposition due the continual 2 minute penalties incurred by most of our players. On top of this we got a 4 minute one and one guy managed to be binned for 5 minutes after which he was not allowed to take any further part in the game.
It wasn't a great start for as the Halifax Mooseheads lost to the Cape Breton Eagles 1-0. One a better note, Thomas was better behaved than expected apart from one sandwich throwing incident with a chap in the row in front of us... Without further ado, a few pics of proceedings and then I'm retiring to bed with my book (currently, "Be My Enemy" by Christopher Brookmyre).

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