Tuesday, September 13, 2005

500 mile drive...

We left Quebec City at 8:50 this morning and now at exactly 8:50pm I'm writing this in Moncton, New Brunswick (eleven hours later as we have actually changed time zone). Roughly 9 hours driving time, poor Thomas strapped into his car seat for a whole day. He got a few viewings of Baby Einstein and Ellie watched Charlotte's Web and Toy Story, the onboard DVD player is a life saver and the car-fridge is genius! Ice cold drinks and food all along the drive. While everyone slept I had plenty of time to review my new music acquisistion:

Kaiser Chiefs (Employment) - excellent, truly a "Bumper 12-track Compendium", doubt they have many fans in Halifax, I will have to try to popularise them with the neighbours, if we have neighbours that is! "Everyday I love you less and less", a song for Tony Blair I think...
Keane (Hopes & Fears) - hmm, a bit whiny for my liking with some quite average stuff thrown in at no extra cost, but I can't argue with 5 quid for the excellent singles.
Killers (Hot Fuss) - Great stuff. Needs another listen tomorrow.
Kasabian - Cut off in their prime by the screaming Thomas awakening, it was sounding very good until Tom's unnecessary and unwanted accompaniment.

Some weblog gold dust today...

Having just driven past Bristol and Bath (but long before Salisbury, Canterbury and Sussex - they certainly have an originality when naming places over here!), I drove ("I drove" indicating MC, Ellie and Thomas were all asleep) past "Potato World: A Museum". Yes, a museum devoted to the potato, this ranks in its strangeness alongside Croyde Bay's "Gem and Rock museum" and a little way ahead of Brighton's very own "Fishing Museum" (although now renamed "The Fishing and Surfing Museum" in a crass attempt to atract a larger patronage). Obviously I was curious, but fortunately not curious to deflect from my target of Fredrickton and then Moncton.

A few kilometres (as that's what they have over here) I arrived in Florenceville, the self proclaimed "French Fry Capital of the World", slightly bizarre potato product obsession developing in this area I thought. Then the smell hit me. CHIPS (or French Fries even), the whole town reeked of CHIPS! I excitedly woke MC with the question, "What can you smell???", "CHIPS" was the immediate answer, as we drove we saw why, an emormous McCain factory accounts for the majority of the town. In the few minute it took us to pass through, lorry-load after truck-load of chip (french-fry) lorry (truck!).

The drive was incredible - apart from a short stint of roadwords after Riviere du Loup, traffic was not light, it was non-existant, steady 110-120kmph. Kilometre after kilometre of open road. I've only once driven so happily before - that was at 4am just outside Birmingham!

Recent pics to follow...

Tomorrow Halifax and the search for a house.

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