Friday, September 16, 2005

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly...

The GOOD - Lawrencetown beach, Rainbow Bay, both beautiful beach to be visited often next summer. Secondly, Mother Tucker's restaurant which tolerated Thomas depositing most of his dinner on the floor whilst not actually eating anything and then refunded us his meal because he ate nothing... I was (almost) speechless.

The BAD - still living in a single room in a hotel, clan Chartrain-Lawton are nearly ready to kill each other. The stress of finding a house quickly is one of the worst thing I've gone through in the whole process. MicMac hotel's internet connection is utterly unreliable, this is the second night out of three where it's broken.

The UGLY - Ellie's eating (or non-eating) is appalling in restaurants - she has two further chances tomorrow and Sunday after that it will be babysitters when we eat out.

We are expecting the tail of hurricane Ophelia to arrive here tomorrow the forecast is for upto 10cm (4 inches) of rain. I'm not sure our denim jackets and one small child's umbrella will be up to the job. We wait with anticipation!

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