Monday, September 12, 2005

A back issue, our time in Quebec...

Our last evening in Quebec, okay, I'm cheating and backdating this entry now I've got a real internet connection! Three days with MC's family before heading out to Nova Scotia. Family stuff all weekend really, catching up with MC's family, her (huge) sister, Kathleen, is currently having an extended stay in hospital in order that her (gigantic) twins (see why she's huge now!) get to stay inside her for as long as possible. Soon to the mother of three (all boys), the oldest being 15 months - ouch and good luck!

Pics here of Ellie, Thomas and Alexis (the 15 month old big brother in question).

Alexis has yet to enjoy the benefits of siblings (rivalries and friendships). Here is parked between Ellie and Thomas. Sizing up Thomas with a little apprehension.
Certainly unsure by the looks of this picture.
A wise decision I think...
Such a glorious morning led us to decide on a trip to Old Quebec during the afternoon - pity it immediately went gloomy as we left. Here's MC's mom, Yolande and Denis with Thomas.

Finally, Ellie emulates Cher... Fortunately she was slightly better attired!

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