Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Eat your heart out NTL...

So the phone didn't work when I tried it - could Eastlink be the new NTL after all?
Err... No... I called the fault in and the engineer was here within two hours! He identified the builders as culprits for miswiring the roughed-in telephone cables, he fixed their misdemeanor with charge and show me how to rewire the phone points in every room. Service.
I've spend the whole day putting up blinds, as it's a new build there are no window coverings at all - this has made two of the toilets (washrooms) useless. I went to Home Depot to sort out some blinds.
Me: "I'd like a selected of your very cheapest blinds please, in these various lengths!"
Assistant: "Certainly, do you have your measurements?"
Me: "Yes"
Assistant: "I'll have to cut them to the right size."
Me: "When will they be ready." (meaning what day)
Assistant: "Twenty minutes".
Me: "Eh? OK, err.. good then!"
Same as everything else I try to do here - too easy, too efficient, too little fuss and much too much smiling! 10 blinds of random width and length made up in no time for about £130.

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