Friday, September 23, 2005

Oh, and more good stuff...

As I said we got "tailgated" because of the MG... One of the things we had to do was head off to the customs to answer some (we thought) tricky questions and to prove how long MC had been out of the country. We gather loads of bits of paper and headed off with trepidation - customs in Europe are such unfriendly places... Anyhow, a basic transcript of the conversation is...
Us: Hello, we are importing an MG and have been "tailgated"?
Customs: Ah, so you'll need one of these forms...
Us: Thanks
I sign the form.
Customs: What sort of car is it?
Us: 1967 MGB Roadster
Customs: Hey, Jack, can we let a 67 MGB in?
Jack: Yeah, I seen some on the roads here...
Us: We thought it would be harder than that?
Customs: Nah, (with a smile), anyhow I got coffee coming... Welcome to Nova Scotia
Case close.
How easy was that - all done with a smile. Now just got to get it past the DVLA lot, maybe I should ask the customs guys to sort it out...

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