Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Dull stuff...

Dull stuff today - we had to get driving licenses, buy a car, arrange insurance etc, etc. Off we went to the driving licence office - or so we thought, slight problem when we discovered they only renewed licences at the office we had gone to, they did not issue new ones. The office we needed was on the other side of town... We dropped into Capital Dodge Chrysler and left about an hour later having bought a Dodge Caravan people carrier. I make no excuses for this whatsoever! It's common as muck, non-descript and has the worst name I could imagine. Still it goes fast enough, has mass storage space, cruise control, it can seat seven and has a rather nice DVD player for those long journeys to and from Halifax.
So leaving the garage $28k worse for wear, off we went to the driving license "zoo", as we arrived at about 11:30 it was packed and wait times were around 2 hours, fortunately we have the luxury of abandonning this for the day and returning tomorrow at opening time.

Last stop of the day we called into the Co-operators to arrange insurance, we were told "You can have an appointment in four weeks"!!! Err... HELLO! Straight back out of the door and off to find a yellow pages.

The second place we tried had a one week wait - still no good and then we talked to Scrivens - and they sorted us out and relieved of another astonishing sum of money $1800 for six months insurance! I may be starting to regret shipping the MG out here!

7pm, bed and dreamless sleep for 10 hours.

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