Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Jetlagged and Thomas the monster...

5am, lying in the bath while the children slept reading my book for two hours!
As planned we returned to DVLA equivalent and surrendered our driving licences in return for Ontarian ones, arriving at 8:20am mean we were back in the car before 9am equipped with our new documents.
We collected the car insurance and a banker draft to pay for the car - banker drafts are issued on the spot here, no 24 hour wait like in the UK.
All our errands in Ottawa are done now apart from collecting the Caravan (!) on Friday morning.
Lunch at Zak's Diner was horrific, Thomas decided scream his way through the whole meal and also managed to throw a toy dinosaur that the waitress gave to placate him onto another group's table - nice. I hoiked him out early and brought him back to the hotel, here I discovered a free internet hotspot in the lobby, whilst Thomas flirted with the old ladies, I got my email! Then off to the room where jetlag took over and suddenly it was two hours later (4pm) and I was very disoriented as I woke up with Thomas crying (again).
How can someone as angelic as this be so bad - these looks will save him according to MC...
Tomorrow we can reward Ellie and Thomas' patience (and often tortuous lack of patience!) with a trip to the children's museum.

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