Saturday, September 24, 2005

Peggy's Cove...

Here's Peggy's Cove (link), rocks to climb on (for Ellie and I!), the ocean, blue sky, good fish for lunch and a very small community (less than 40 buildings!) of fishermen and artists as far as I could see anyway! As usual, my photo's don't do the place justice.
This is my favourite picture from the day, just a few boats in the cove. Ellie on the Rocks... The camera doesn't really show how blue the sky and the water really is. Peggy's Cove will become one of those place we take visitors, it will make a change from the continual visits to Londona and Warwick Castle!
MC and Thomas at the lighthouse.
Peggy's Cove lighthouse, I posted a picture of this before leaving the UK, now we've been there! It's a fully operational post office (for some reason?)

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