Thursday, September 08, 2005

"What is love?"

A song by Howard Jones, that's what. Perculiar what you hear over on the radio, today it was "No one is to blame" also by HJ - this got me running through all his "classics"...

New Song
What is Love
Pearl in Shell
Hide and Seek
Like to get to know you Well

I started to yearn for my crate of CDs currently on route somewhere in the atlantic. First thing in the CD player when it arrives (and after I buy a new CD player of course) will be Howard's Greatest Hits! This made me think of my friend, Andy's, website, where you can vote on various artist's of the 80s greatest songs!

Currently reading: Anthony Bourdain, A Cook's Tour - only a few pages in, but it seems like it will be excellent!
Just finished: Digital Fortress by Dan Brown - I don't know why I do it (actually I do - it's because I bought all of his books in one go...), just as bad as his other books, the villain is utterly implausible AGAIN, dire, formulaic pap.

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