Friday, September 23, 2005

Annoying stuff for a change...

Whilst I've been singing the praises of Canada, and Nova Scotia in particular, recently there are a few things that have annoyed me... So lets get them off my chest now...

The DVLA equivalent are no better than the UK, officious, suspicious and annoying!
Someone wired the phone in my house against all accepted Canadian standards meaning I've had to try to fix something I've never seen before...
HSBC are starting to foul up (although I was warned about this), we went increase our direct debit levels to fund our blowout at Future shop, they agreed to our request then failed miserably to action it... Humbug. We looked daft and had to spread our purchase over two cards.

There we other things, but they escape me for now, so I'm off to (inflatable) bed...

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