Thursday, September 08, 2005

Likes and dislikes in Canada...

Early doors, I know, as Brian Little would say, but so far I have the following observations in the 69.75 hours since I arrived:

People smile a lot more here
There are Canadian flags EVERYWHERE and no-one seems worried about offending the minorities
Customer service is excellent so far
Companies proclaim as part of their logos "A Proud Canadian Company"

Pedestrians and cars are both allowed to go at the same time; if there are pedestrians, the car MUST give way. This is dicey, so far we have almost been runover twice and MC nearly hit someone yesterday. More car needed!
You can turn right on a red light if there is nothing coming - this will just take some getting used to I think, it's just disconcerting when you are driving over a crossroads and someone comes out of a red light street!
Books (especially hard covers) are generally more expensive here

So that's it so far, I can certainly live with the "bad" stuff!!! We've been to the children's museum today, pics of that to follow as soon as I've downloaded them...

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