Friday, September 30, 2005

Another battle won... then annoyed...

I started the day miserable today, the prospect of a return to the vehicle licence place did not fill me with joy not to mention the subsequent attempt to start the MG after four weeks in the cold on a boat...
To my surprise the vehicle place gave me what I needed without much quibbling (a temporary licence plate good for one day one the routes I specified...). The day then climbed to a new high when the MG (inexplicably) started first time at the depot.
I drove it straight to the garage where I'd arranged to get its MVI (Motor Vehicle Inspection) certificate done - it was closed - still I'd arrange to go at 3pm rather that 1:45pm when I actually turned up, I wandered off for a coffee and returned 30 minutes later to find the place open...
The MVI test seems to involve the following steps:
1. Raise the car on a jack.
2. Wobble/shake the front wheels
3. Blow the horn
4. Test the lights and indicators
5. Check the "muffler"
6. There is no sixth thing.
Seems rather easy to pass - which the MG didn't! It needed a little weld on the "muffler" which took the remainder of the afternoon whilst I ambled around the city drinking more coffee and generally having a relaxing time... I got home at 6pm! Still without plates, but only one step away now - that should only take a few minutes on Monday.
Finally today, Ellie broke her bed by swinging on it and went to bed very upset (as well she deserved to). A trip to Home Depot for timber and power tools is now on the cards for dad followed by a day of cursing as I try to replicate the broken parts.

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